Updates to the Workspace application are a process of iteration. At ADAM HCM, we are strive to provide small but substantial improvements to our self service web application. Over time these tiny changes add up to become a modern and holistic representation of the day to day operations of the HCM process.
Part of this improvement process requires you, our users, to provide feedback and insight into how Workspace can better serve you in the day to day operation. By providing these regular article updates through our support channel and updating our UAT environment for preview of new feature development, we hope to provide you with a more granular resolution of the changes about to take place in production.
The 10.3.10 changes can currently be found in production
Vacation Balances
As part of our constant strive for improvement, we often look back and re-asses how users consume information in the app. Is there too much information? Is there not enough information? We want to focus on creating a minimal interface that displays only relevant information, so users aren't overwhelmed with useless information.
Change in total balances
Vacation balances have fallen into this scope. We believe that the vacation balances section often displayed too much, or not relevant, information. That's why we've decided to consolidate the proportionate days in accordance with the total vacation balance. What does this mean? The balances reflected under "available balance" section will be slightly altered to account for what was previously listed under proportional days.
Optional showing of floating days
We now only show floating days balances for users where it applies.
Out latest update to the inbox includes an enhancement to how tickets are displayed, searched, and filtered in the inbox.
When you first load the inbox, we aggregate all your pertinent assigned tasks [2] . If you have pending items they will appear here as well as the latest payslips. If you're a requestor, assignee or CC'd on a ticket they will also appear in your inbox. We've also added a new BPO filter for business processing tasks [1] that allows more robust searching.
We have expanded a new view for our business processing users to display all tickets created for authorized companies [3]. This will allow users, with the proper permission, to view tickets created by other users in the same company, and sometimes other companies. The goal with this change is to allow more communication between team members when tracking important business processes. By allowing business users the ability to track all tickets within the authorized company permission structure we can enable you to have better insight into ticket lifecycle.
The "My Tickets" filter [1] will display the same set of tickets that are included in the default inbox view. Tickets you are assigned, requestor, or CC'd.
We are adding additional filters to the inbox [2] to help provide more specific searching for tickets and helpdesk request. The new filters to the inbox for helpdesk items;
- By ticket ID
- By subject
Employee profile
Floating days balances
To better provide the whole employee profile we've added the floating days balance to the employee profile for administrators. This balance is also available when supervisors view their subordinates in the organization section.
The reports section now has an additional date filter. This filter is set to a default timespan of the current month when the page is loaded. Pagination has also been removed from the reports section to allow users to better export all results. Filters now include Request type, company and date.
Now, if a user makes an action the token is refreshed, unless the timeout period has passed without any action, then they are logged out. Application sessions are extended when the mouse moves or a key is pressed. This will automatically extend sessions so users are no longer logged out after 30 minutes, but instead after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Changes to the org page
The organization page that is presented to the supervisors will now show only subordinates who are active within the company.
The same list will now include subordinates from different companies and regions.
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